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EA – ALPHA emission standards


The radioactive substance in thin layer on the Pt foil is squeezed to the duraluminium casing with dimensions 25 x 5 mm (diameter x height). The casing has front window with diameter of 6 mm. The active area must be carefully protected against moisture, dust and abrasion.


They are widely used as control sources in comparative measurements, for energy and efficiency calibration of alpha-spectrometers, determination of efficiency of window and windowless counters of α particles.


Flux of α particles to spatial angle 2π sr is determined by 2π proportional counter. Activity is calculated from flux using correction on back scattering, spatial angle and self-absorption.

EA pic EA pic
Nuclide Half life (year) Particle energy (keV) Type Particle flux Uncertainty of flux (%) Activity (kBq) Activity uncertainty (%) Code (for ordering) Certificate validity (years)
239 Pu 24100 (11) 5105,81
EA 13 51 1,3 0,1 2,1 PUA 13 3
EA 14 510 1,3 1,0 2,0 PUA 14 3
241 Am 432,6 (6) 5442,86
EA 13 51 1,3 0,1 2,1 AMA 13 3
EA 14 510 1,3 1,0 2,0 AMA 14 3
EA 15 5100 1,3 10 2,0 AMA 15 3
241 Am + 239 Pu - - EA 14 510 1,3 1,0 2,1 AMPU 3

Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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Standards of X and g photon flux type EFF and EFX are the point sources with minimum self-absorption emitting homogeneously to angle near 4π sr. The activity is deposited between two welded polyethylene foils with square weight 3,6 + 0,3 -2 . The foils are located in the metal ring with outer diameter 40 mm. The active material is located in the centre of the foil.


Standards EFF and EFX are designed for energy and efficiency calibration of counters and spectrometers of X and γ photons. The activity of the standard gives the source strength approximately ~10 4 s -1.


The source strength of the EFX standard is determined by means of a suitable 4π counter. For the standards EFF (emitting photons γ ) source emission is calculated from the activity and the known photon yields.

EFF pic EFF pic
Nuclide Half life (days) Photon energy (keV) Photon flux in
4 π sr
Code Certificate validity (years)
X - K γ keV s -1
55 Fe 986 5,888 5,888 10 4 1,5 FMFX 3
57 Co 271,26 6,4 122,06 122,06 10 4 1,5 CTFF 2
136,46 136,46
65 Zn 243,9 8,03 1115,52 8,03 10 4 2,2 ZNFX 2
85 Sr 64,78 13,4 514 13,4 10 4 1,5 SAFX 1
109 Cd 461,9 21,99 88,034 21,99 10 4 1,5 CDFX 3
241 Am 157800 13,93 26,34 59,54 10 4 1,9 AMFF 0,5
17,61 X L 59,54

Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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Standards of γ photon flux EFS are the point sources with minimum self-absorption emitting homogeneously to angle near 4π sr. The activity is deposited between two welded polyethylene foils with thickness less than 0,2 mm. Foils are mounted in the metal ring with outer diameter 35 mm. The active material is located in the centre of the foil.


The standards EFS are designed for energy and efficiency calibration of gamma spectrometers with Ge(Li) and HPGe detectors. Used radionuclides cover energy range 100 keV - 2 MeV.


The activity of the standard is calculated from the mass and specific activity of the standard solution. The specific activity is determined by absolute measurement.

EFS pic EFS pic
Nuclide Half life (days) Energy (keV) Photon - yield (%) Uncertainty of Activity (kBq) Code Certificate validity (years)
activity (%) photon flux, (%)
57 Co 271,81 122,06 85,51 1,2 1,2 50 CTS 01 2
136,47 10,71 2,2
139 Ce 137,641 165,858 79,90 1,2 1,3 80 CCS 01 2
85 Sr 64,85 514,0 98,5 1,2 1,2 250 SAS 01 1
137 Cs 11019 661,657 84,99 1,2 1,2 400 CSS 01 2
54 Mn 312,19 834,85 99,975 1,0 1,0 450 MNS 01 2
60 Co 1925,4 1173,23 99,85 0,8 0,8 700 COS 01 2
1332,49 99,983
88 Y 106,60 898,042 93,70 1,5 1,5 700 YWS 01 2
1836,07 99,35
133 Ba 3897 53,162 2,14 1,0 - 250 BAS 01 2
79,614 2,63 4,3
80,998 33,31 5,3
160,612 0,638 5,2
223,237 0,450 -
276,399 7,13 2,0
302,851 18,31 1,8
356,013 62,05 1,4
383,849 8,94 1,8
152 Eu 4858 121,782 28,41 1,0 1,2 600 EUS 01 2
244,697 7,55
344,279 26,59
411,17 2,238
443,965 2,80
778,905 12,97
964,079 14,50
1085,84 10,13
1112,08 13,41
1408,01 20,85

Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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A weighed amount of the standard solution is dropped on the disc of filter paper in the polymethylmetacrylate capsule. The capsule is sealed up, when dried. The capsule and the reflector layer of common NaI(Tl) scintillators provide a sufficient filtering of β radiation of relevant radionuclide. For 144Ce this filtration is not sufficient and for the types EG 1 and EG 3 layer of minimum 3,2 mm Al between the standard and the detector is necessary.


Energy and efficiency calibration of scintillation spectrometers and counters of γ and X radiation. They can serve as reference sources for relative measurements. Their activity is chosen so that:

  • standard EG 1 in closed geometry with the NaI(Tl) 38 x 25 mm
  • standard EG 2 inserted to the well of NaI(TI) 45 x 50 mm
  • standard EG 3 located 10 cm from the forehead of NaI(Tl) 38 x 25 mm
gives approx. 1700 counts per second for energy higher than 30 keV.


The activity of individual standards is calculated from the mass of the standard solution and is checked by relative measurements of γ photon flux. The specific activity is determined by absolute measurement using 4π β-γ , 4π α-γ or 4π X-γ coincidence method or 4π proportional counter.

EG pic EG pic EG pic
Nuclide Half life (days) Type Activity (kBq) Energy of photons γ (keV) Yield of photons (%) Uncertainty (%) Code Certificate validity (years)
22 Na 950 EG 1 5 511,0
1,0 NAG - 1 3
EG 2 3 NAG - 2 3
EG 3 100 NAG - 3 3
54 Mn 312,22 EG 1 13 846,76 99,92 0,7 MNG - 1 3
EG 2 6 MNG - 2 3
EG 3 300 MNG - 3 3
57 Co 271,26 EG 1 6 122,06
1,0 CTG - 1 3
EG 2 2 CTG - 2 3
EG 3 150 CTG - 3 3
60 Co 1925,4 EG 1 10 1173,21
0,7 COG - 1 3
EG 2 4 COG - 2 3
EG 3 200 COG - 3 3
65 Zn 243,9 EG 1 40 1115,52 50,75 1,6 ZNG - 1 3
EG 2 18 ZNG - 2 3
EG 3 800 ZNG - 3 3
88 Y 106,6 EG 1 8 898,021
1,2 YWG - 1 3
EG 2 4 YWG - 2 3
EG 3 200 YWG - 3 3
129I 5,734.10 9 EG 1 15 39,58
29 - 33 X K
> 70
0,7 IZG - 1 3
EG 2 5 IZG - 2 3
133 Ba 3897 EG 1 3 80,989
0,8 BAG - 1 3
EG 2 2 BAG - 2 3
EG 3 80 BAG - 3 3
137 Cs 11019 EG 1 16 661,649 85,10 0,9 CSG - 1 3
EG 2 7 CSG - 2 3
EG 3 300 CSG - 3 3
152 Eu 4858 EG 1 30 from 121 to
1538 keV
on energy
0,8 EUG - 1 3
EG 2 15 EUG - 2 3
EG 3 450 EUG - 3 3
EG 2 3 HGG - 2 3
EG 3 200 HGG - 3 3
241 Am 157800 EG 1 15 59,5364 35,67 0,6 AMG - 1 3
EG 2 5 AMG - 2 3
EG 3 450 AMG - 3 3

Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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Marinelli beakers are filled with silicone rubber containing uniformly distributed radionuclide or mixture of radionuclides. Default density of the active volume is 0,98 and mean atomic number approaches water. The standards are available in 3 types of polypropylene beakers with default volumes 450, 500 and 1000 ml. Other volumes, nuclides, activities or beakers are available on request. Custom geometry can be filled with no extra charge up to 1000ml of volume. All MBSS sources produced in customer's vessels or other than usual beakers are labeled CBSS.


Energy and efficiency calibration of gamma spectrometers.


The standards are prepared from the standard solutions ER(EB) whose activity is determined by absolute method. The final sources are checked by measurement on gamma spectrometer with HPGe detector. Combined standard uncertainty of activity is approx. 2 %.

MBBS graf
MBBS pic MBSS pic
Type Nuclide Half life (days) Activity (kBq) Certificate validity (years)
MBSS 1 152 Eu 4858 3 3
MBSS 2 Mixture: 241 Am, 109 Cd, 139 Ce, 57 Co, 60 Co, 137 Cs, 113 Sn, 85 Sr, 88 Y, optionally 51 Cr and/or 133 Ba can be added for no extra charge - 40 3***
MBSS 3 134 Cs 753 * 3
MBSS 4 137 Cs 11019 3 3
MBSS 5 226 Ra 584300 3 3
MBSS 6 57 Co 271,26 * 3
MBSS 7 60 Co 1925,4 3 3
MBSS 8 241 Am 157800 10 3
MBSS 9 232 Th 5,15 . 10 12 1,5 3
MBSS 10 153 Gd 241,6 * 3
MBSS 12 133 Ba 3897 2 3
MBSS 13 109 Cd 462,6 20 3
MBSS 14 210 Pb 8108 15 3
MBSS 15 192 Ir 74,12 * 3
MBSS 16 85 Sr 64,78 * 1
MBSS 17 54 Mn 312,22 * 3
MBSS 18 88 Y 106,60 * 2
MBSS 19 139 Ce 137,50 * 2
MBSS 20 40 K 4,602 . 10 11 1,5 3

*** certificate validity for 51Cr is 6 months

Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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Mixture of 10 isotopes (241Am, 109Cd, 139Ce, 57Co, 60Co, 137Cs, 113Sn, 85Sr, 88Y) developed especially for calibration of gamma measuring equipment. It covers the gamma energy range of 59,540– 1836,03 keV with 12 energy peaks. Combined standard uncertainty of activity is below approximately 3 %.


Energy and efficiency calibration of gamma spectrometers.


Our multi-gamma mixture can be used in a wide range of forms including the most popular: liquid solutions (ER-mix), and a silicon resin (CBSS2). Without Hg-203, it can also be produced as a planar source (EM/EZ), filter, or a sample of contaminated steel (ES).

MIX pic
Nuclide γ Energy (keV)
241 Am 59,540
109 Cd 88,034
57 Co 122,060
139 Ce 165,853
113Sn 391,702
85 Sr 514,008
137 Cs 661,649
88 Y 898,042
60 Co 1173,238
60 Co 1332,502
88 Y 1836,030

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Standard radionuclide solution is deposited on a disc metal base in approx. 50 dots/cm2. Evaporated solution is overlayed with thermally cured layer of protective laquer and aluminium layer with square weight approx. 20 µg/cm2 deposited in vacuum. Square weight of protective layer is less than 0,1 mg/cm2. The active layer must be protected against dust, touch and corrosive atmosphere.


Efficiency calibration in measurements of various radionuclides in thin layer particularly for checking of relative measurements in surface, water, air and personnel contamination with α and β emitting radionuclides. Likewise for checking of stability of contamination monitors. For measurements of contamination can be used also standards EZ with larger active area.


The activity is calculated from mass and specific activity of standard solution, traceable to primary activity standard. Surface emission is measured with windowless proportional counter with uncertainty < 1 %. Both values are specified in associated documentation.

DIMENSION: (Other dimensions on request)

Types EM 1, EM 4
diameter of the active area 23-25 mm
thickness 2,0 mm

EM pic

Types EM 10, EM 40
diameter of the active area 23-30 mm
thickness 1,0 mm

EM pic

Types EM 145, EM 445
diameter of the active area 23-48,5 mm
thickness 1,0 mm

EM pic
Nuclide Half life (year) Particle energy (keV) Type Uncertainty of
activity (%)
Code Certificate validity (years)
α β γ
14 C 5700 (30) 156,476 EM 1 < 1,5 CWM 1 5
EM 10 CWM 10
EM 145 CWM 145
36 Cl 302 (4) E+03 709,53 511 EM 1 < 1,5 CLM 1 5
EM 10 CLM 10
EM 145 CLM 145
60 Co 5,2711 (8) 317,32 1173
EM 1 < 1,5 COM 1 5
EM 10 COM 10
EM 145 COM 145
90 Sr* 28,80 (7) 545,9
EM 1 < 1,5 STM 1 5
EM 10 STM 10
EM 145 STM 145
137 Cs 30,05 (8) 513,97
661 EM 1 < 1,5 CSM 1 5
EM 10 CSM 10
EM 145 CSM 145
137 Cs 30,05 (8) 513,97
661 EM 1 < 1,5 CSM 1 5
EM 10 CSM 10
EM 145 CSM 145
147 Pm 2,6234 (4) 224,1 EM 1 < 1,5 PMM 1 5
EM 10 PMM 10
EM 145 PMM 145
204 Tl 3,788 (15) 763,7 EM 1 < 1,5 TLM 1 5
EM 10 TLM 10
EM 145 TLM 145
U + 4198
EM 4 < 1,5 UMW 4 5
EM 40 UWM 40
EM 445 UWM 445
239 Pu 24100 (11) 5156,59 EM 4 < 1,5 PUM 4 5
EM 40 PUM 40
EM 445 PUM 445
241 Am 432,6 (6) 5442,86
59,5409 EM 4 < 1,5 AMM 4 5
EM 40 AMM 40
EM 445 AMM 445

*Sr-90 is in radiochemical equilibrium with Y-90. The certificate shows only data for the Sr-90, meaning the actual activity of the source is two times the activity stated in the certificate.
Note: + 238U - 4,468 (5) E+09 years, 235U - 704 (1) E+06 years, 234U – 2,455 (6) E+05 years

Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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Standard radionuclide solution is deposited on a metal base with standard dimensions 200 x 140 x 1,5 mm (or dimensions on request) in approx. 50 dots/cm2. Evaporated solution is overlayed with thermally cured layer of protective laquer and aluminium layer with square weight approx. 20 µg/cm2 deposited in vacuum. Square weight of protective layer is less than 0,1 mg/cm2. The active layer must be protected against dust, touch and corrosive atmosphere.


Efficiency calibration of instruments for monitoring the surface and personal contamination by a and β emitting radionuclides. Likewise they can be used for checking of contamination monitor stability.


The activity is calculated from mass and specific activity of standard solution, traceable to primary activity standard. Surface emission is measured with windowless proportional counter with uncertainty < 1 %. Both values are specified in associated documentation.

EZ pic EZ pic
Nuclide Half life (days) Particle energy (keV) Type Uncertainty of
activity (%)
Code Certificate validity (years)
α β γ
14 C 5700 (30) 156,476 EZ 1 < 1,5 CWZ-1 5
36 Cl 302 (4) E+03 709,53 511 EZ 1 < 1,5 CLZ-1 5
60 Co 5,2711 (8) 317,32 1173,22
EZ 1 < 1,5 COZ-1 5
90 Sr* 28,80 (7) 545,9
EZ 1 < 1,5 STZ-1 5
137 Cs 30,05 (8) 513,97
661,657 EZ 1 < 1,5 CSZ-1 5
147 Pm 2,6234 (4) 224,1 EZ 1 < 1,5 PMZ-1 5
204 Tl 3,788 (15) 763,7 EZ 1 < 1,5 TLZ-1 5
U + 4198
EZ 2 < 1,5 UMW-2 5
239 Pu 24100 (11) 5156,59 EZ 2 < 1,5 PUZ-2 5
241 Am 432,6 (6) 5442,86
59,5409 EZ 2 < 1,5 AMZ-2 5

*Sr-90 is in radiochemical equilibrium with Y-90. The certificate shows only data for the Sr-90, meaning the actual activity of the source is two times the activity stated in the certificate.
Note: + 238U - 4,468 (5) E+09 years, 235U - 704 (1) E+06 years, 234U – 2,455 (6) E+05 years

Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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Aqueous solution of the appropriate quantity of 226 Ra. Chemical composition of the solution: 1 g BaCl2 /l and 10g HCl/l. EB 00 is the aqueous solution of 1 g BaCl2 /l and 10 g HCl/l with very low and determined mass fraction of 226 Ra.


The standards are designed for efficiency calibration of activity (mass) determination of 26 Ra or 222 Rn. Standard solutions are used either in the form of sealed ampoules for calibration or weighed part of the solution can be added to the analyzed sample as so called internal standard. After dilution by EB 00 solution is possible to prepare working standards with activities similar to measured samples. For emanometric determination of 26 Ra or 222 Rn in water, air and so on it is possible to transfer them to a washing bottle from which radon is expelled by a stream of gas.


Standard solutions are prepared by dissolving of 226 Ra content of standard ES activity of which was determined by comparison of gamma photon flux of the standard with the flux of IIR primary radium standards. Comparison is carried out by means of the 4π -γ ionization chamber of IIR.

Nuclide Half life (days) Type Mass of the
solution (g)
Concentration of
226 Ra (ng/g)
Mass of 226 Ra
Uncertainty (%) Packing Code Certificate validity (years)
226 Ra 584300 EB 6 1 1000 1000 0,5 Glass ampoule 1 ml RAB 6 3
EB 7 1 100 100 0,5 RAB 7 3
EB 8 1 10 10 0,5 RAB 8 3
EB 9 1 1 1 0,6 RAB 9 3
EB 10 1 0,1 0,1 0,7 RAB 10 3
EB 65 5 1000 5000 0,5 Glass ampoule 5 ml RAB 65 3
EB 75 5 100 500 0,5 RAB 75 3
EB 85 5 10 50 0,5 RAB 85 3
EB 95 5 1 5 0,6 RAB 95 3
EB 105 5 0,1 0,5 0,7 RAB 105 3

226 Ra is in the radioactive equilibrium with its short life daughter products.
Activity of 1 g 226 Ra is 3,658.1010 Bq
Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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Approximately 1 or 5 g of the radioactive solution is sealed in a glass ampoule. Review of types and their parameters is in the table 1.


The standards are designed for efficiency calibration of all kinds of detectors, type ER 2 is especially suitable for the calibration of proportional, scintillation and GM counters, types ER 3 and ER X for ionization chambers. Standard solutions are used either directly or after dilution for preparation of working standards. Application for internal standards is also possible.


The ER 2 and ER 25 standards are directly prepared from a standard solution, the specific activity of which was determined by absolute measurement using the 4π ( α , β , X, e) - γ coincidence method or by a 4π proportional counter. The specific activity of the ER 3 and ER X standards is calculated from the dilution ratio and the specific activity of ER 2 standard solution.


Nuclides are divided into three categories. No Availability class means they are usually in stock. Class D represents nuclides available on request, the delivery time is usually 8+ weeks. Nuclides in class F will be ordered and produced twice a year, usually in April and October, so please make sure to plan their use ahead.

ER pic
Type Mass (g) Specific activity
Packing Code
ER 1* 1 0,005 0,005 glass ampoule 1 ml IZR 1 (129 I)
ER 2 1 0,100 0,100 glass ampoule 1 ml ...R 2
ER 25 5 0,100 0,500 glass ampoule 5 ml ...R 25
ER 3 1 5 5 glass ampoule 1 ml ...R 3
ER X Tailor-made solutions based on customer‘s request

* refers only to 129 I standards

Nuclide Availability Half life (days) Chemical composition of aqueous solution Uncertainty (%) Code Certificate validity (years)
3 H 4510 H2O 1,7 HWR 3
7 Be F 53,23 30 mg BeSO4 /I + 3 g HCl /l 1,0 BER 1
14 C 2,089.106 5 g Na2CO3/l 1,5 CWR 3
22 Na 950 50 mg NaCl /I + 36 g HCl /l 0,8 NAR 3
24 Na F 0,62571 50 mg NaCl /l + 36 g HCl /l 0,6 NKR 3 days
32 P F 14,30 50 mg  H3 PO4 /l 0,6 PWR 2 months
35 S D 87,46 50 mg Na2 SO4 /l 1,3 SWR 1
45 Ca D 162,8 20 mg CaCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 1,2 CAR 3
51 Cr D 27,701 30 mg CrCl3 /l + 3 g HCl /l 0,8 CRR 0,5
54 Mn 312,22 50 mg MnCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,6 MNR 3
55 Fe 986 50 mg FeCl3 /l + 3 g HCl/l 2,7 FMR 3
56 Co F 77,7 20 mg CoCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 1,9 CBR 1
57 Co 271,26 20 mg CoCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 CTR 3
58 Co D 70,78 20 mg CoCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 1,0 CYR 1
59 Fe F 44,54 50 mg FeCl3 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 FER 8 months
60 Co 1925,4 20 mg CoCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,4 COR 3
63 Ni 36560 20 mg NiCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 1,5 NIR 3
Zn 65 243,9 50 mg ZnCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 1,5 ZNR 3
67 Ga D 3,261 12,6 mg GaCl3 /l + 7 g HCl/l 1,2 GAR 15 days
75 Se D 119,6 20 mg Na2 SeO3 /l + 4 g NaOH/l 1,0 SER 2
85 Sr 64,78 20 mg SrCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 SAR 1
86 Rb D 18,696 20 mg RbCl/l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 RBR 3 months
88 Y 106,60 20 mg YCl3 /l + 3 g HCl/l 1,2 YWR 2
89 Sr 50,6 20 mg SrCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,6 SRR 1
90 Sr* 10281 20 mg Sr(NO3)2 /l + 20 mg Y(NO3)3 /l + 3 g HNO3 /l 0,6 STR 3
90 Y F 2,671 50 mg YCl3 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,6 YKR 10 days
95 Zr F 64 12 mg (NH4)4 Zr(C2O4)4 /l + 12 mg (NH4)3 NbO(C2O4)3 /l+ 0,5 g H2C2O4 /l 1,0 ZRR 1
95 Nb F 35,04 12 mg (NH4)3 NbO(C2O4)3 /l + 0,5 g H2C2O4 /l 0,6 NBR 0,5
99 Mo F 2,750 25 mg (NH4)2 MoO4 /l + 0,3 g NH4 OH/l 1,0 MOR 10 days
99m Tc F 0,25096 3 g NH4 OH/l 1,5 TCR 2 days
106 Ru F 368,3 50 mg RuCl3 /l + 50 mg RhCl3 /l + 30 g HCl/l 1,2 RUR 3
109 Cd 462,6 50 mg CdCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 1,3 CDR 3
113 Sn 115,10 50 mg H2 SnCl6 /l + 216 g HCl/l 1,2 SNR 2
124 Sb D 60,20 50 mg SbCl3 /l + 70 g HCl/l 1,2 SBR 1
125 I 59,89 50 mg KI/l + 50 mg Na2S2O3 /l 0,6 ITR 1
129 I 5,734.109 4 g KI/l + 10 g Na2S2O3 /l 0,6 IZR 3
131 I 8,051 50 mg KI/l + 50 mg Na2S2O3 /l 0,6 IWR 1 month
131 I 8,051 2 µg I2/ml CCl4 1,0 IER 1 month
133 Ba 3897 30 mg BaCl2 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,6 BAR 3
134 Cs 753,0 20 mg CsCl/l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 CGR 3
137 Cs 11019 20 mg CsCl/l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 CSR 3
139 Ce 137,50 20 mg CeCl3 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 CCR 2
141 Ce D 32,50 30 mg CeCl3 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 CKR 0,5
144 Ce D 284,4 20 mg CeCl3 /l + 20 mg PrCl3 + 3 g HCl/l 1,0 CER 3
147 Pm 958,0 20 mg PrCl3 /l + 20 mg NdCl3 + 3 g HCl/l 1,5 PMR 3
152 Eu 4858 30 mg EuCl3 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,6 EUR 3
192 Ir D 74,12 50 mg Na2 IrCl6 /l + 3 g HCl/l 0,8 IRR 1
204 Tl 1384 30 mg Tl2SO4 /l + 3 g HNO3 /l 1,3 TLR 3
210 Po F 138,4 25 mg TeO2 /l + 63 g HNO3 /l 1,3 POR 2
210 Pb 8108 20 mg Pb(NO3)2 /l + 20 mg Bi(NO3)3 /l + 25 mg TeO2 /l + 63 g HNO3 /l 1,3 PBR 3
239 Pu 8,806.106 63 g HNO3 /l 1,2 PUR 3
241 Am 157800 20 mg Sm(NO3)3 /l + 6,3 g HNO3 /l 0,4 AMR 3
243 Am D 2,69.106 20 mg Sm(NO3)3 /l + 6,3 g HNO3 /l 0,4 AWR 3
Unat 1,63.1012 1,66 g UO2(NO3)2 /l + 6,3 g HNO3 /l 1,0 UER 3

*Sr-90 is in radiochemical equilibrium with Y-90. The certificate shows only data for the Sr-90, meaning the actual activity of the source is two times the activity stated in the certificate.

D – On request, longer delivery time
F – Planned orders of material twice a year (April and October)
Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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1 ml of polymerised mixture of epoxy resin containing 241Am and 129I in the plastic test tube with dimensions 12 x 73 mm (diameter x length). Activities of 241Am and 129I are in such a ratio that resulting spectrum γ on a well type NaI(Tl) detector corresponds as much as possible with 125I γ spectrum. Test tube is closed by plastic stopper.


The standards are designed for the calibration and checking of RIA gamma counters, especially for the measuring of kits with 125I.


The effective activity is determined by the comparison measurement with 125I working standards using the gamma spectrometer with a well type NaI(Tl) detector 50 x 50. Nominal activity is 1500 Bq of 125I.


ESI pic ESI pic

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Set of 10 pieces of  5 ml glass ampoules containing 30 kBq CH3 131I each, absorbed in 0,1 g sorbent for gas chromatography. After opening ampoule, methyl iodide can be released by heating on 200 - 250 °C in stream of carrier gas (air, Nitrogen). Content of CH3 I in ampoule is 2 mg (nominal values).


For checking of gas monitors in nuclear facilities, especially in nuclear power plants.


Activity is determined by gamma spectrometry with HPGe detector.


Combined standard uncertainty is ( P = 68,3 %) nominally 1,5 %.

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Standards in 10 ml penicillin vials in form of polyacrylamide gel, active volume is 5 ml. In case of breaking the vial , polyacrylamide gel prevents larger contamination, which the radioactive solution would not.


The standards are used for calibration and checking of measuring devices in nuclear medicine, e.g. activity calibrators.


The activity is determined by measurement in 4π ionization chamber, which is the part of national standard of activity.

ENM pic
Nuclide Half life
Photon energy
Yield of photons
Code Certificate validity (years)
57 Co 271,26 122,06
5 1,5 CTNM 5
60 Co 1925,4 1173,21
5 0,8 CONM 5
133 Ba 3897 30,63
5 1,2 BANM 5
137 Cs 11019 661,649 85,10 5 1,2 CSNM 5
241 Am 157800 59,54 35,67 5 2,3 AMNM 5

Uncertainty is an abbreviation for combined standard uncertainty ( P = 68,3 %).
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Dried weighed part of standard solution of 57 Co is closed in a cylindrical plastic capsule with dimensions 11 x 9 mm (diameter x length). The source is installed on the top of the telescopic holder. Nominal activity is 5 MBq.


The source is used mainly as a marker in nuclear medicine.


The activity is calculated from the mass of the standard solution.

ED pic
ED pic

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Standards of radioactive rare gases 41Ar, 85 Kr, 133 Xe  are designed for calibration and checking of monitors of nuclear facilities outlets, especially those of nuclear power plants. Known activity of radioactive gas is closed in the steel pressure bottle in mixture with air under pressure up to 100 bar. Declared quantity is volume activity at normal conditions. Technology of production is described in documents 911-MP-C001-07, 911-MP-C002-07 and 911-MP-C003-07.


Radioactive gas is blown off to the monitor systems of nuclear facilities.


Activity of 41Ar is determined by gamma spectrometry with HPGe detector, activities of 85Kr and 133Xe by measurement with calibrated ionization chamber.


Normal conditions are p = 101,3 kPa and  t= 0 o C

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The Bottle Manequin Absorber Phantom (BOMAB) is the model of the human body 170 cm tall, separated into ten discrete parts, which can be independently filled. It is made from high density polyethylene, 4.8 - 5 mm thick, internal volume is approximately 55 dm3. It is supplied either empty or filled with non active silicone resin with specific density near 1 or filled with the same material containing activity, usually 152 Eu. The overall dimensions comply with requirements of Reference Man described in ICRP 23.


BOMAB provides a functional simulation for the scattering of radiation in an adult human figure, to calibrate and check of whole body counters used for in vivo determination of deposited  γ  emitting radionuclides.


The activity is calculated from the specific activity and the mass of used standard solutions and from mass of filler.

Description Pieces Shape Profil (cm) Height (cm) Volume (dm3)
head 1 ellipse 19 x 14 20 3,50
neck 1 circle 13 diameter 10 1,00
thorax 1 ellipse 30 x 20 40 15,00
lumbar 1 ellipse 36 x 20 20 9,00
thigh 2 circle 15 diameter 40 5,90
leg 2 circle 12 diameter 40 3,60
arm 2 circle 10 diameter 60 3,60

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Accurate and long term stable sources of defined activity of 222Rn in gas phase. Radon is released from thin layer of a plastic foil with emanation power approaching 1. The source is constructed as a stainless steel cylindrical case supplied on the ends with the two ball valves and the two aerosol filters connected on the output aperture of the valves. All parts are made from stainless steel or Teflon. The sources are produced in activity range 20, 100, 200, 500, 1000 a 2000 kBq of 226Ra with commercial label RF 20, RF 100, ...RF 2000.


The sources are designed for laboratory and field conditions. The main application is calibration of devices and detectors for activity measurements of 222Rn and 226Ra in environmental research. The user can apply the source in batch or flow through mode.


The activity of 226Ra is determined by comparison with IIR standards, the emanation power by gamma spectrometry on a HPGe detector.

RF pic
Combined standard uncertainty
of 226Ra activity
1,5 %
Emanation power near 1, typical value is 0,998
Internal volume 200 cm3
Maximum flow of carrier gas 10 l/min.
Working temperature and relative moisture 0 - 40 °C, 0 - 100 %
Dimensions 376 x 54 mm
Weight 1,27 kg
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  1. ball valve
  2. emanator
  3. holder
  4. flange
  5. retaining screw
  6. Material: Dural, brass, stainless steel, Teflon, epoxy resin

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Cylinder shape standards type ESCO and ESCS consist of outer case with inserted discs with activity of 60Co or 137Cs. Activity is deposited in points in the net 5 x 5 mm. Discs putting together originate a cylinder with approximately homogeneously deposited activity. Disc and case are made from polished stainless steel. Standard dimension of cylinder is 35 x 15 mm, standard dimension of one disc is 34 x 0,8 mm (diameter x thickness). Other dimensions are made according to requirements of customer.


Standards are designed for efficiency calibration of gamma spectrometers used for checking 137Cs and 60Co activity in steel. These radionuclides can occur in scrap iron as a result of liquidation of medical or industrial sources. According to customer requirements is possible to prepare standards with other radionuclides or with mixture of radionuclides.


Activity of the standard is calculated from the mass and specific activity of the standard solution. The specific activity is determined by suitable absolute method. Produced sources are checked by comparison with IIR by standards gamma spectrometry with HPGe detector.


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